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2017 Adult Confirmations

Join Bishop Burbidge on Sunday, June 25 at 2:30 p.m. in the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More as he confers the Sacrament of Confirmation upon 135 adults from 30 parishes across the Diocese.

Bishop Burbidge will be the main celebrant, with Bishop Emeritus Loverde presiding as concelebrant.

Who is Adult Confirmation for?

Adult Confirmation is for baptized Catholics who have received their First Communion but have not had the chance to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

How is the Sacrament of Confirmation celebrated?

The Sacrament of Confirmation for adults is celebrated within the context of Mass. After the Gospel reading, the pastor or parish administrator presents the candidates to the Bishop and those present. Following the homily, the candidates stand and renew their baptismal promises. Then the Bishop, with outstretched hands, prays the ritual prayer, imposing his hands over them. Throughout this whole process, each candidate's sponsor stands supportively behind them, with their hand placed on the right shoulder of the candidate.

The Rite of Confirmation

Finally, each candidate is presented by their sponsor to the Bishop who then confers the Sacrament of Confirmation upon the candidate by dipping his thumb in the chrism oil and making the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of the confirmed saying "N.[name of candidate], be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit."

The newly confirmed replies, "Amen."

Then the Bishop says, "Peace be with you."

The newly confirmed replies, "And with your spirit."