CRS and CCHD Program Office - What We Do

The Program Office supports and promotes the work of two organizations created and overseen by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Catholic Relief Services and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.  We --

  • work to increase the number of parishes and schools that participate in CRS programs like CRS Rice Bowl and CRS Ethical Trade, and support their participation;
  • administer a grant program, funded by the 25 percent of Rice Bowl alms that remains in our diocese, that enables parishes, schools and organizations to start and conduct activities that fight hunger in the diocese;
  • support and promote the CCHD Second Collection taken up annually in our diocese on the weekend before Thanksgiving;
  • administer a grant program, funded by the 25 percent of the CCHD Collection that remains in our diocese, that supports anti-poverty work within the diocese;
  • provides speakers and education regarding CRS, CCHD, and opportunities for involvement in their work.

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