Bulletin Submission Form


  1. Fill out the form below using the following specifications:

    Title - 60 characters maximum

    Dated or Evergreen - if the bulletin is dated event select "dated" or if it is an item that is not associated     with a date, select "evergreen"

    Date(s) of Event - if your event has a firm start / end date, you are required to fill out this field. If not,     please ignore this field

    Recommended Publication Date(s) - if you marked your bulletin as "evergreen" ignore this field. If not,   please enter the dates of the 2 Saturdays / Sundays that occur before the week of the event OR before the
    week of the last day to register for the event

    Expiration date - if you marked your bulletin as "evergreen" ignore this field. If not, please enter the date   of the Monday after the last appearance of this bulletin in the Sunday bulletin.

    Attachments - if you have any attachments, please list the file names here (e.g. mcm-mass-flyer.pdf)

  2. Open a new tab and upload your file attachments for the bulletin to
    CDA>Assets>PDF>your office>Parish Bulletins

  3. Go back to the other tab with your filled out form and hit the SUBMIT button


Bulletin Announcement Form

Bulletin Announcement Form


Title (60 chars max):

Dated or Evergreen Material?*:


Bulletin Text*:


Date(s) of Event:

Recommended Publication Date(s)*: (Dates of 2 Saturday/Sundays before week of event or before week of last day to register for the event)

Expiration Date*: (Date of Monday after last appearance in Sunday Bulletin)

Attachments (Please list documents loaded in the Assets Folder)