Adult Confirmation Mass June 2017 Crowd 1440 420px

Adult Confirmation Coverage (June 25, 2017)

On Sunday, June 25 at the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More, Bishop Burbidge conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation upon 135 adults from 30 parishes across the Diocese.

The Sacrament of Confirmation was celebrated within the context of Mass. After the Gospel reading, the candidates were presented to the Bishop and those present. Following the homily, they stood and renewed their baptismal promises. Before conferring the Rite of Confirmation, Bishop Burbidge outstretched his hands over the candidates while reciting a prayer.

Then, each candidate was presented by their sponsor to Bishop Burbidge who conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation upon the candidate by dipping his thumb in the chrism oil and making the Sign of the Cross on their forehead saying "N.[name of candidate], be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit."

To which they replied, "Amen."

Then Bishop Burbidge said, "Peace be with you."

And they concluded, "And with your spirit."

See Coverage from the Mass below