Pray Daily for a Future Priest or Sister


The St. Therese Vocation Society is a group of men and women who pray daily for vocations and for the individuals in formation as priests and religious in our diocese. These men and women who have responded to God's call rely on these prayers from hundreds of their brothers and sisters in Christ. Members of the society receive a calendar in the mail twice a year that lists someone in formation to pray for each day, and the names also show up at the top of this webpage. There are no dues or meetings; only the promise of your prayers and an annual Morning of Reflection (see below) to strengthen you as a prayer warrior.

Complete the form below to join the St. Therese Society and receive a quarterly prayer calendar in the mail. 

St. Therese Society Morning of Reflection

Our annual morning of reflection is normally held in February. Details will be posted here when they are available.

St Therese Vocation Society

Fill out the form below to join the St. Therese Vocation Society and receive a quarterly prayer calendar in the mail.

First Name* 

Last Name*







Other, not listed 

I wish to become a member of the St. Therese Vocation Society. As a member of the Society, I commit myself to offering the following for an increase in vocations in our Diocese, for the perseverance of the seminarians now studying for the priesthood, and for an outpouring of grace upon the priests, deacons and religious serving our Diocese:

  • a daily prayer for the person on the prayer calendar
  • a daily prayer for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated religious life

By continuing, I commit to pray for vocations.