About the Commission 

The Peace and Justice Commission of the Diocese of Arlington was created by Bishop Paul Loverde in 2002, Its mission is to evangelize and educate members of the Church of Arlington on Catholic Social Teaching, to serve the Bishop of Arlington as a consultor, to be a resource for diocesan clergy and laity, and to facilitate the work of life, peace and justice in the diocese.

The Commission is composed of a Chair and five to seven additional members appointed by the Bishop for three-year terms, renewable twice.  Acting at the Bishop's direction and in service of his pastoral priorities, the Commission develops an annual plan for the inclusion of Catholic Social Teaching in the diocese's faith formation, education, liturgy, and stewardship of resources.  The Commission may carry out this plan by sponsoring liturgies and spiritual opportunities, conferences and other educational events, and by developing and distributing resources, disseminating information about peace and justice activities in the parishes and the diocese, and encouraging advocacy on issues that touch on the life and dignity of the human person.

Father Gerard Creedon served as Chair of the Commission from its founding until his death in 2017.  Father Robert Cilinski, appointed by Bishop Michael Burbidge in 2018, is the current Chair.

Commission Members

Current members of the Peace and Justice Commission, appointed by Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington:

Reverend Robert Cilinski, Chairman
Reverend Michael J. Bazan
Reverend John T. O'Hara
Mr. James W. Crawford
Mrs. Amy McInerny
Dr. Matthew Shadle
Mrs. Carla Walsh

Recording Secretary
Mrs. Adrienne Swidal