Prayer for Youth, Campus, and Young Adult Ministries


Please join us every Tuesday at 3 p.m. as we say this prayer together:

Heavenly Father, 
I praise and thank You for Your infinite goodness and unconditional love. I long to give generously to You just as the widow did, “...all that she had, her whole livelihood.” I offer this prayer for Your greater glory and in thanksgiving for the good work that You are accomplishing through the youth, campus, and young adult ministry leaders of the Diocese. Help us to grow in holiness and respond faithfully to Your will and grace. Bless the young people that I serve and all the young people of the Diocese. Help them to listen to Your Word, respond to Your call in their life and to encounter Your saving love through my humble service.

Oración para los Ministerios de Jóvenes, Campus y Jóvenes Adultos:

Asimismo, hemos publicado nuestra nueva oración para todos los ministerios de jóvenes la cual se reza todos los martes a las 3 p.m. por todos los coordinadores de dicho programa. Invitamos a todos a unirse a nosotros en esta oración cada semana!  

Padre Celestial,
Te alabo y Te doy gracias por Tu infinita bondad y amor incondicional. Deseo entregarme totalmente a Ti como hizo la viuda del Evangelio, que dio “todo lo que tenía para vivir”. Te ofrezco esta oración para Tu mayor gloria y en agradecimiento por todo el bien que haces a través de los que trabajamos en el ministerio juvenil de esta diócesis. Ayúdanos a crecer en santidad y a responder fielmente a Tu voluntad y Tu gracia.

Bendice a la juventud con la que trabajo y a todos los jóvenes de la diócesis. Ayúdales a escuchar Tu Palabra, a responder a Tu llamada y a encontrar Tu amor salvador a través de mi humilde servicio. Amen.


Widow's Mite

Widows Mite

When he looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins. He said, “I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” (Luke 21:1-4)