For Immediate Release: November 8, 2017

Statement by the Virginia Catholic Conference


After the election, the work for life and justice continues



For many months Virginians have watched the political campaigns taking place here and wondered how the outcome would affect the direction of our commonwealth. Yesterday, they made their decisions. Today, we at the Virginia Catholic Conference and in the Catholic Dioceses of Arlington and Richmond assure Governor-elect Ralph Northam and all those elected yesterday of our prayers for them and our appreciation for their answering the call for public service. As they strive to serve the more than eight million men, women and children who live in Virginia, we will work with them whenever possible to ensure Virginia laws and policies reflect the common good and the inherent dignity of every human being – from the very beginning of life, through and until natural death. We pledge to reach out to them and continue to advocate for policies that protect the most vulnerable in Virginia, especially people who are unborn, elderly, sick, poor, immigrants or refugees. We will work for legislation that protects the family, and that assures Virginia continues to respect religious liberty, especially for faith-based entities that serve so many of our sisters and brothers in need. In this great state, foundational to American democracy, we call on Catholics, people of all faiths and good will and all Virginians to work together to address the needs of our commonwealth through respectful dialogue and civility.




Contact: Diana Sims Snider (804) 539-3231 or