Bishop Michael F. Burbidge's 2021 March for Life Statement

On Friday, Jan. 22, 2021, the Catholic Church in America observed the National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. During that somber day in American history - the 48th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade's legalization of abortion on demand - we join in prayer and penance, asking Our Lord to pour out his transformative grace on our beloved country and commonwealth.

Each year, at the March for Life, we have the opportunity to draw closer to one another through our shared appreciation of the beauty and fragility of every human life. So, while this day marks a somber occasion, we celebrate the gift of human life, given only by Our Lord, and never grow weary of defending the right to life at every stage and condition.

Pope Francis has called for this year to be a “Year of St. Joseph.” St. Joseph is known for his courage, tenderness and faithful obedience to God with unwavering calm even in the face of threats and injustice. He embodied the Gospel of Life in profound ways. He is never quoted in Scripture, and yet his actions speak volumes as he worked on behalf of the vulnerable child in the womb. What a powerful example we have in our efforts to protect the defenseless and help expectant mothers who need our support.

As we advocate for laws to protect the unborn and join virtually in this year's March for Life, may we, like St. Joseph, remain unwavering in our efforts to defend human life and accompany the most vulnerable among us. With prayerful support and compassion, may we also renew our commitment to women and men who have been deceived by abortion as they seek Our Lord's healing love and divine mercy. May Our Mother Mary hold us in her arms and guide us to her son, Jesus Christ.