Child Protection Resources

The provided links are resources for parents to educated themselves about the nature of the threats that exist to their children.  Particular attention is paid to the current threats of pornography, sexual trafficking, and misuse of the internet or internet-enabled devices.

Resources and Additional Information

John Jay Report: Nature and Scope

Published in 2004 The John Jay College of Criminal Justice's report The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States 1950 - 2002 delves into the history of clercial sexual abuse of minors in a very detailed fashion

John Jay Report: Causes and Context

Published in 2011 the John Jay College of Criminal Justice's report The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010 sought to find explanations for the clerical sexual abuse problem and identify likely areas for improvement to eliminate future problems

Safe Adults

A file for naming trusted adults for a child, as well as known not-trusted adults

Opt-Out Form

Form for parents to opt children out of at-school safe-environment training.

Parish Safe Environment Check-List

Best Practices for Creating a Safe Environment for On-Site Diocesan Youth Activities

Pornography Statistics

Statistics on the prevalence and consumption of pornography by youth as of 2012

Red Flags for Child and Youth Workers

A resource to help identify adult behaviors that put children at risk

Social Media and Youth

An introduction into the benefits and risks of use of social media platforms by children and youth

Child/Youth Safe-Environment Program

Technical Assistance Guide (TAG)

Video Games and Youth

A resource for understanding the prevalence and risk factors from video games for youth

Volunteer Interview

A sample interview that can be used to help ascertain if a potential youth volunteer is a good fit

Verification Form

Catholic Groups with youth attending events in the Diocese of Arlington from outside the Diocese of Arlington should use this form to identify and confirm adult chaperones are compliant with their home diocese's policies

The Pornography Industry

A 2016 look at pornography from the perspective of the industry itself

Sample Family Cell Phone Contract

An example of a contract for use between parents and children to help enforce proper cell phone use and habits