CDA Live Stream Mass


May is the month we honor all mothers - our earthly mothers and our heavenly mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. What better way to celebrate the gift of motherhood than to offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God. 

Join fellow Catholics from across the Diocese of Arlington as we pray this prayer of gratitude for all mothers, led by our shepherd, Bishop Burbidge.

A prayer for all mothers

Good and gracious God,

We thank you for all mothers - the women you have called to bring forth new life, and women who provide for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those entrusted to their care.

Give them the courage to raise Godly children through happy and difficult times and wisdom to guide their children on the path to eternal life.

Fortify them through your Word and Sacraments to endure the challenges and trials of motherhood.

Instill in them joy and delight as they accompany their children through the years.

Shower them with care and support from their family and friends.

Comfort those mothers who have lost their children and those children who have lost their mothers.

In your charity, entrust all mothers to the tenderness of your own Mother, Mary.

We love our mothers, Lord.

We ask for your blessing upon them this day and always. Amen!

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge
Diocese of Arlington

Dios de bondad y misericordia:

Te damos gracias por todas nuestras madres, las mujeres que has llamado a traer nueva vida y quienes atienden las necesidades físicas, emocionales y espirituales de los seres confiados a su cuidado.

Dales el valor de criar hijos que amen a Dios en momentos felices y difíciles y dales la sabiduría para guiarlos por el camino conducente a la vida eterna.

Fortalécelas con tu Palabra y con los Sacramentos para que puedan hacer frente a las dificultades y tribulaciones de la maternidad.

Llénalas de alegría y gozo mientras acompañan a sus hijos durante el transcurso de los años.

Cólmalas del cuidado y del apoyo de sus familiares y amigos.

Consuela a las madres que han perdido a sus hijos y a los hijos que han perdido a sus madres.

Por tu misericordia, encomienda a todas las madres a la ternura de tu propia Madre, María.

Amamos a nuestras madres, Señor.

Te pedimos que las bendigas en este día y siempre. Amén.

Monseñor Michael F. Burbidge
Obispo de la Diócesis de Arlington


Our mothers help form us as individuals, families, and as a Church. Especially in this month of May, we celebrate all mothers for the care and sacrifices they make daily. We thank God for these women whose love for their children reflects the love our Blessed Mother has for her son, our Savior.

LOM 2022 Carpio 640x480

"I have prayed for my daughter since before I can remember. How lucky am I, to be her Mama?"

- Myra Carpio with daughter Colette Gatchalian, Our Lady Queen of Peace

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"Being a mother is the most beautiful gift of every woman. In my case, seeing my son's smile is seeing the wonder of God."

- Ana Jaramillo and son Kevin, Saint Anthony of Padua parish

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"Looking to Mary as the perfect example that she is, and asking for her intercession, has helped bring me peace."

- Annie Beauchamp with Finbarr, Saint Ambrose parish

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Jesus stands next to us, and our Blessed Mother is holding our hands as we endeavor to be mothers like her."

- Erin Thielman with Alexander, Abby, and Andrew, Basilica of Saint Mary parish