Black Catholic Vocations Prayer

God our Liberator,
We thank you and praise you
For you are a God who walks with us,
Who knows our struggles,
And who gives us strength to answer your call.

You have created us in your likeness
…I hear you calling us to keep on keeping on.

You have anointed us to bring glad tidings to the poor
and to set captives free
…I hear you calling us to go and tell the Good News about Jesus Christ.

You have blessed us with family and faith, spirit and soul
…I hear you calling us to live and leave a legacy of your love.

“O my Lord, what shall I do?”

Free us, Faithful God, to hear your voice.
Help us, Loving God, to answer your call.
Empower us, Lord Jesus, to be your witness.

Place our lives at your service as holy men and holy women,
wives and husbands, mothers and fathers, priests and religious,
generously and compassionately serving our sisters and brothers.  

With faith and unfailing confidence, 
We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, Your Son.  Amen

By Jesse Cox, O.P. and Mary Therese Johnson, O.P., with edits by Father J.D. Jaffe.