Message from the Most Reverend Bishop Michael F. Burbidge on Domestic Violence Awareness Month


Domestic violence turns loving relationships into situations of violence, fear and control. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) finds that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men in the US suffer, and countless children witness this violence. 

While law enforcement obviously has a critical role to play in protecting victims, the Church has a role to play as well.

First, we must pray for the victims and their children. Our parishes must also make people aware of this problem and encourage victims to ask for help. In our Diocese, there are Catholic counselors and domestic violence shelters to provide safety and support for victims, and to assist victimizers if they seek help.  

Violence should never be viewed as “normal.” As the Body of Christ, our Church stands ready to assist when one of our members is in need.

Through the intercession of St. Monica, patron saint of abuse victims, may our homes be places where spouses are safe, families are stable, and those with emotional suffering are offered relief and counsel.