Does the Diocese protect men in the seminary?

On episode 15 of the Walk Humbly Podcast, Bishop Burbidge stated

“…I've been involved in seminary work for much of my priesthood and since I've been ordained a bishop. And, I have to say, I have great confidence in our seminaries right now. There is really an atmosphere of transparency. …the atmosphere's much different than when I was a seminarian. It was just a different time, a different culture, you had rules to follow, you did it, and there wasn't much discussion.”

“Our seminarians today are encouraged to be very transparent with their Bishop, with their spiritual director, with their formation advisor, with the administration of the seminary. How are you doing? Where are your strengths, where are your weaknesses? Where are your struggles? And, I have to say, I am so inspired by our seminarians of how honest and transparent they are with me. I'm in direct communication with them. And, I am confident that if they were in any way experiencing something that was not right and there was a misuse of power, we've created a culture within our Diocese and within our seminaries that that would be expressed.”

On episode 16 of the Walk Humbly Podcast, Bishop Burbidge spoke about conversations he has had with the parents of our seminarians. He said, in part:

“I assured their families that and their parents that I am the spiritual father to their sons. I treasure that responsibility and privilege and assured their parents that I will do everything possible to support, to encourage them in their formation.”

Each man entering the seminary goes through a very extensive application process that includes background and reference checks. Additionally, there are multiple interviews and psychological assessments completed with each candidate to evaluate thoroughly his capacity for a lifetime commitment to the priesthood, especially to living a chaste, celibate life.