10th National Eucharistic Congress

The 10th National Eucharistic Congress took place on July 17-21, 2024 in Indianapolis!

This historic 5-day gathering of missionary disciples was a new Pentecost, a powerful anointing and personal commission to invite others to know Christ.  

Over these impactful days, the Church drew into a deeper intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord, allowing our eyes to be opened and our hearts to be set on fire with his love. 

The whole Congress was an experience of prayer: a liturgical act offering the Catholic Church - those in attendance in Indianapolis as well as across the country - to the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit This reconsecration will result in a massive outpouring of grace and renewed missionary sending as participants are moved to share the Eucharistic love of the Lord "for the life of the world" (John 6:51). 

From Bishop Burbidge: How to Participate in the National Eucharistic Congress from Virginia

The upcoming National Eucharistic Congress - the first in 83 years - will be a pivotal moment in the life of the Church in America. Bishop Burbidge invites you to participate in the Congress from wherever you are in two specific ways: in prayer and online.

Read The Latest on the Revival


Below find multiple diocesan resources to help us reflect on the Eucharist. Stay tuned to see more content from the National Eucharistic Revival!.


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The Eucharist makes us pro-life

"Our responsibility to care for every human life is not a uniquely Christian vocation but also a human one. As Catholics, we have a particular awareness of this duty.

"When, at the Last Supper, Christ commanded, 'Do this in remembrance of me,' he left a memorial of his saving Death and Resurrection. That command reminds us daily of his sacrificial love for every life."

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Flesh for the Life of the World

“When Our Lord declared that ‘the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world’ (Jn. 6:51), he gave us words for the mystery-reality of his Real Presence in the Eucharist.

"His Presence in the Eucharist is ‘bread’ which nourishes, ‘life’ which sustains us, and is for ‘the world’ he created and loves.”

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Eucharist leaves an effect on us: Food for the journey

"Unlike everything else in this world which passes away, we can live forever by eating that bread from heaven. We journey through this passing world, nourished by food from an eternal world — food that makes us immortal, too."

Gospel Commentary
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First Communion and the life of faith

"To our young people who are celebrating their First Communion this year, I offer my heartfelt congratulations. You have prepared yourselves for this powerful moment through prayer to our loving God and study of our faith in Jesus, our Savior.

"Within this sacred gift, you receive Jesus Christ himself. He is truly and really present. When you receive Holy Communion, Jesus helps you to grow strong in faith, hope and love. Treasure this gift and be Christ living in the world by loving and forgiving your friends, your family members and anyone who offends you. Share the peace of Christ by always imitating him in the way you treat others."

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The Eucharist Explained

The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls the Eucharist “the source and summit of the Christian life.” The Arlington diocese, in preparation for its 50th anniversary, is marking this year with the theme “Remember,” reflecting on the Eucharist and Christ’s words during the Last Supper: “Do this in remembrance of me.” The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops recently launched a multiyear Eucharistic revival.

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