Parish bulletins Feb2024 1440x420

Parish Bulletin Announcements

For bulletin announcements without dates or timelines please visit the Evergreen Bulletin Announcement Page.


Cathedral of Saint Thomas More

(For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)

Mass of Thanksgiving

Most Rev. Michael F. Burbidge invites you to join him in celebrating a special Mass of Thanksgiving for the completion of the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More renovations. Pray with us on Sunday, September 8, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the 11 a.m. Mass; a reception will follow in Burke Hall. The Cathedral of Saint Thomas More, 3901 Cathedral Lane, Arlington.

Event Date:  September 8, 2024

Expiration Date:  September 9, 2024

File Attachment: 
Mass of Thanksgiving  (PNG)

Office of Marriage, Family, and Respect Life

 (For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)

2024 Retreat for Adult Children of Divorce

Registration for the 2024 Arlington Life-Giving Wounds retreat is open. We warmly invite anyone who comes from divorced parents to attend this powerful retreat taking place Friday-Sunday, September 13-15, at San Damiano Retreat Center, White Post, VA Welcome our Lord into this wound, connect with others from this background, and go forward renewed in faith, hope, and love. Cost is $375 through August 14, or $425 after August 14. Registration can be found at Do you know someone who might benefit from this retreat? Please tell them about it. If they have questions, they can call the Office of Marriage, Family, and Respect Life at 703-841-2550.

Event Dates:  September 13-15, 2024

Expiration Date:  September 16, 2024

File Attachment:
ACOD 2024 flyer (PDF)


 (For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)

2024 Days of Prayer and Healing

After Abortion Retreats: A Day of Prayer & Healing for women who have experienced abortion will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024. These group healing events are held in a private and peaceful setting, in English and in Spanish, based on the Entering Canaan model (2 separate retreats, in 1 location). There will be an opportunity to hear from a past participant and others who have found healing. You are not alone. Take the first step. For confidential inquiries, please contact Project Rachel Ministry: (703) 841-2504 or

Event Dates: September 28, 2024

Expiration Date: September 28, 2024

File Attachment:
2024 DOPH flyer (PDF)


(For August 3-4 and 10-11 bulletins)

Praise and Worship Holy Hour for Healing and Conversion

Join us on Tuesday, August 13, for Holy Hour at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Fairfax, VA. Father Joseph Moschetto will be presiding along with music by Marie Miller. Confession will be available. Adoration is from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Please come and spend time with Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration while praying for healing and conversion in families, including those affected by abortion.

Event Date: August 13, 2024

Expiration Date: August 14, 2024


(For use at parish discretion)

Holy Hour for Encounter Every First Thursday

All you who are burdened by sin, grief, loneliness, shame, addiction, self-hatred, abortion, or any other wound, come and place all your cares on the Heart of the Eucharistic Lord who desires to free you and restore you to new life. The Holy Hour, every first Thursday at 7 p.m. at St. Thomas à Becket in Reston, will include a Eucharistic Procession, opportunities for confession, as well as worship music led by a different musician each month. The celebrant will be Fr. Rich Dyer, Pastor, St. Thomas à Becket. If you have questions, contact us at (703) 841-2550.

Event Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

File Attachment:
Holy Hour for Encounter flyer (PDF)

Office of Vocations 


(For August 3-4 bulletin)

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time -- August 4, 2024

”Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures for eternal life.” Are you being chosen to help feed and give life to the people of God as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Contact Fr. Michael Isenberg, or (703) 841-2514.

Event Date: August 4, 2024

Expiration Date: August 5, 2024


Office of Development

   (For use at parish discretion)

Gifts for Seminarian Education Endowment Fund (SEEF)

Please support our seminarians and SEEF, a permanent endowment fund established in 2011. SEEF's income provides funding for annual seminarian expenses such as room, board, tuition, health insurance and books, which total almost $45,000 per seminarian. Please give generously! To donate, make checks payable to: “Foundation for the CDA - SEEF.” Mail to: The Foundation, 200 N. Glebe Road, Suite 811, Arlington, VA 22203. Contact John French at or (703) 841-3819 with questions.

Expiration Date: N/A

File Attachments:

English ads

SEEF bulletin ad 3.5x2
SEEF bulletin ad 3.5x3
SEEF bulletin ad 3.5x4

Spanish ads

SEEF bulletin ad 3.5x2
SEEF bulletin ad 3.5x3
SEEF bulletin ad 3.5x4


(For August 3-4 bulletin)

Stewardship Reflection, August 4, 2024, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Each day the people are to go out and gather their daily portion; thus will I test them, to see whether they follow my instructions or not.” EXODUS 16:4

When the Israelites gathered more than their daily portion of manna, the surplus became wormy and rotten. In the same way today, self-reliance, pride and ego leads to hoarding and excessive surplus of goods and money. Living a stewardship lifestyle helps us discern our “wants” from our “needs”. Living a grateful and generous lifestyle reminds us that God will provide all that we need and that we have plenty to share.

4 de agosto de 2024, Domingo 180 del Tiempo Ordinario

“Cada día, el pueblo irá y recogerá sólo lo necesario para ese día. De esta manera los pondré a prueba para saber si realmente obedecen mis leyes.” ÉXODO 16:4

Cuando los israelitas recogían más de su porción diaria de maná, el excedente se pudría y se llenaba de gusanos. De la misma forma en nuestros días, la autosuficiencia, el orgullo y el ego nos llevan al acaparamiento y al excedente excesivo de bienes y dinero. Vivir un estilo de vida de corresponsabilidad nos ayuda a discernir nuestros “deseos” de nuestras “necesidades”. Vivir un estilo de vida agradecido y generoso nos recuerda que Dios proveerá todo lo que necesitamos y que tenemos mucho para compartir.

Event Date:  August 4, 2024

Expiration Date:  August 5, 2024

(For August 10-11 bulletin)

Stewardship Reflection, August 11, 2024, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Get up and eat or the journey will be too much for you!” 1 KINGS 19:7

God knows that committing to a stewardship lifestyle is difficult. However, we were not designed to do it on our own, we need God's help. Fortunately, God gave us the greatest gift of all, His son, Jesus. Through the gift of the Eucharist, we unite our sacrifice with Jesus' sacrifice to do the will of God, Our Father. We receive the strength and courage to be His missionary disciples.

11 de agosto de 2024, Domingo 190 del Tiempo Ordinario

“Levantate y come porque te espera un largo viaje!” 1 REYES 19:7

Dios sabe que comprometerse con un estilo de vida de corresponsabilidad es difícil. Sin embargo, no estamos diseñados para hacerlo por nosotros mismos, necesitamos la ayuda de Dios. Afortunadamente, Dios nos dio el mayor de los dones, Su hijo, Jesús. A través del don de la Eucaristía, unimos nuestro sacrificio al de Jesús para hacer la voluntad de Dios, Nuestro Padre. Recibimos la fortaleza y el coraje para ser Sus discípulos misioneros.

Event Date:  August 11, 2024

Expiration Date:  August 12, 2024

(For August 17-18 bulletin)

Stewardship Reflection, August 18, 2024, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” John 6:56

This line from Scripture is what ultimately separates Catholics from our Protestant brothers and sisters. Jesus is really present in the bread and wine that are consecrated at Holy Mass. It is His actual body and blood that we consume. This is the greatest gift that we can receive. The Eucharist shows us how great of love that Jesus has for each of us.

18 de agosto de 2024, Domingo 200 del Tiempo Ordinario

“Cualquiera que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre permanece en mí y yo en él.” Juan 6:56

Esta línea de la Sagrada Escritura es la que al final separa a los Católicos de nuestros hermanos Protestantes. Jesús está realmente presente en el pan y el vino que se consagran en la Santa Misa. Consumimos realmente su cuerpo y su sangre. Ese es el don más grande que podemos recibir. La Eucaristía nos muestra cuan grande es el amor de Jesús por nosotros.

Event Date:  August 18, 2024

Expiration Date:  August 19, 2024

(For August 24-25 bulletin)

Stewardship Reflection, August 25, 2024, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

“If it does not please you to serve the Lord, decide today whom you will serve…As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” JOSHUA 24:15

When we commit to serve the Lord, we become a disciple in the work of the Lord. A disciple is a person who spends time in prayer every day, joyfully participates in charitable works and generously supports their local parish and Church mission. If we say we serve God, our words and actions should reflect the Gospel message to others.

25 de agosto de 2024, Domingo 210 del Tiempo Ordinario

“Y si no les parece bien servir al Señor, escojan hoy a quién han de servir... Por mi parte mi familia y yo, serviremos al Señor.” JOSUÉ 24:15

Cuando nos comprometemos a servir al Señor, nos convertimos en discípulos en el trabajo del Señor. Un discípulo es una persona que pasa el tiempo en oración cada dia, participa con alegría en obras de caridad y apoya generosamente su parroquia y la misión de la Iglesia. Si decimos que servimos a Dios, nuestras palabras y acciones deben reflejar el mensaje del Evangelio a los demás.

Event Date:  August 25, 2024

Expiration Date:  August 26, 2024


Office of Multicultural Ministries

(For August 3-4 and 10-11 bulletins)


Mass for Multicultural Communities with Bishop Burbidge

Celebrate our Diocesan Jubilee and our unity in diversity! All are invited to the annual Mass for Multicultural Communities celebrated by Bishop Michael F. Burbidge and concelebrated by priests of the Diocese of Arlington. There will be a Marian Procession prior to the Mass beginning at 6 p.m. The Mass celebration will be held at St. Mary of Sorrows Catholic Church, Fairfax VA at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2024.  Following the Mass, there will be a reception featuring cultural dishes and performances! The reception is free for all.
Mass attendees are encouraged to wear cultural attire if desired. There is no registration required. If you would like to participate in the Marian Procession and would like more information, please contact with any questions or visit

Event Date:  August 16, 2024

Expiration Date:  August 17, 2024

File Attachment: 
Mass for Multicultural Communities (PDF)


Office of Youth, Campus, and Young Adult Ministries

(For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)


Bishop Burbidge invites all young adults (ages 19 to 35, single and married) to join him at the second annual CALLED: A Conference for Young Adults! Join hundreds of young adults at the Sheraton Hotel in Reston, VA on Saturday, September 21, 2024, for Mass with Bishop Burbidge and an incredible keynote from Arthur C. Brooks, Harvard professor and best-selling author. Arthur teaches courses on leadership, happiness, and social entrepreneurship. The day will also include breakout sessions, dinner, prayer, live music, and plenty of social time! Complimentary childcare is available throughout the entire event. Encounter Jesus, connect with other young adults and to your local Young Adult Ministries and be encouraged in how the Lord has CALLED YOU to holiness. Registration opens July 1 -- Here! Last year CALLED sold out ahead of time and you are not going to want to miss being a part of this incredible event.

Event Date: September 21, 2024

Expiration Date: September 22, 2024

File Attachment:
Called 2024 flyer (PDF)


Catholic Charities

(For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletin)

Mother of Mercy Free Clinic

Mother of Mercy Free Clinic - Volunteer OB/GYN Medical Professionals Needed! Join our mission to improve women's health! We are seeking OB/GYN professionals to volunteer at our Mother of Mercy Free Medical Clinic. Make a difference in Prince William County's underserved communities in a compassionate Catholic environment. Join our team, provide vital healthcare, and transform lives. Email or call (703) 841-3838 for details.

Event Dates: Through August 31, 2024

Expiration Date: August 31, 2024


San Damiano Spiritual Life Center


(For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)

Band of Brothers Men's Retreat

In these calamitous times... "we need a few good men"... and more than a few! With Faith and Family and Life and Love being "re-defined" by our Culture of Confusion, only Jesus Christ will help us to "stand fast... even at the risk of being heroes." Join Fr. John Riley at the Arlington Diocese's San Damiano Retreat Center in White Post, VA as he will lead a "Band of Brothers" to Christ's feet; Single Men, Husbands, Fathers to listen and seek Jesus in deep, quiet prayer. This silent retreat begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, August 23rd, and ends at 1 p.m. on Sunday, August 25th. Retreat cost is $285 per person. For further information or to register, please contact Deacon Mark Maines at

Event Dates:  August 23-25, 2024

Expiration Date:  August 26, 2024

File Attachment:
Band of Brothers Men's Retreat (PDF)


(For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)

St. Ignatius of Loyola Men's Retreat

Join Fr. David Dufresne at the Arlington Diocese's San Damiano Retreat House in White Post, VA, as we consider the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. We will study St. Ignatius' battle plan on how to win "the identity war," focusing on the importance of knowing Jesus Christ, recognizing who we are in Him, and helping others to discover their true identity. This silent retreat begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, September 6th, and ends at 1 p.m. on Sunday, September 8th. Retreat cost is $285 per person. For further information or to register, please contact Deacon Mark Maines at

Event Dates:  September 6-8, 2024

Expiration Date:  September 9, 2024

File Attachment:
St. Ignatius of Loyola Men's Retreat (PDF)

St. Leo the  Great Catholic Church

(For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)

Mass Honoring Military and First Responders

The Ninth Annual Mass Honoring Military and First Responders will be held on Sunday, September 8, at 11 a.m. at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, 3700 Blenheim Blvd, Fairfax. The Very Reverend Robert J. Wagner, Dean, and pastor of St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church will be the celebrant. All Military, Law Enforcement, and Fire and Rescue personnel are welcome to join us with their families, and are requested to wear their dress uniform for the Mass. A group photo will be taken after the Mass. Following, all are welcome to a luncheon in the school gym.


Archdiocese of Military Services, USA

(For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)

Father Capodanno Memorial Mass

The Memorial Mass for Father Vincent R. Capodanno, MM, will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, in the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Avenue, Northeast, Washington, D.C. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D., Archbishop for the Military Services, USA, will be the principal celebrant. This annual Mass is celebrated in memory of Father Capodanno, killed in Vietnam on September 4, 1967, as he ministered to embattled Marines. Father Capodanno posthumously received the Medal of Honor, and in May 2006 the Catholic Church officially proclaimed him a Servant of God and thus formally initiated his Cause for Canonization. The Father Vincent Capodanno Guild is the only official organization established to promote the cause for canonization of Father Capodanno.
For more information, visit  All are invited to attend the Memorial Mass on the 57th anniversary of his death. There will be open seating, so please plan to arrive early. Military members are encouraged to wear uniform of the day, and business attire is appropriate for civilians.

Event Date:  September 4, 2024

Expiration Date:  September 5, 2024


Guadalupe Free Clinic

(For August 3-4, 10-11, and 17-18 bulletins)

Guadalupe Free Clinic Golf Classic on September 6, 2024

Please join us at the Guadalupe Free Clinic's 9th Annual Golf Classic on Friday, September 6, 2024, at Old Hickory Golf Club in Woodbridge, VA The Guadalupe Free Clinic is a free clinic that is donor-supported and volunteer-staffed, serving the indigent, uninsured poor residents of Colonial Beach and Westmoreland County, VA. The clinic was founded by diocesan priest Fr. Jerome Magat in 2005, and was blessed by Bishop Burbidge late last year. In 2023, the clinic served 304 patients in 2,380 visits - the highest numbers ever recorded. Please register here for the event -- For more information, please feel free to contact Tournament Directors Frank and Alison Truslow at (540) 220-0519 or email We look forward to seeing you out there!!

Event Date: September 6, 2024

Expiration Date: September 7, 2024

File Attachment:
Guadalupe Free Clinic Golf Tournament (png)


Office of Communications

(For use at parish discretion)

Diocesan Resource Page on Issues Affecting the Catholic Church Available

The Catholic Diocese of Arlington website includes a resource page where parishioners can access information regarding events affecting the Church. Read the policies on child protection and responses from Bishop Burbidge and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at  

Expiration Date:

  (For use at parish discretion)

Sign Up For the Diocesan E-Newsletter!

Receive special video messages from our bishop, learn about unique opportunities to get involved, and be the first to know the news about our Diocese - straight to your inbox. Sign up here:

Expiration Date: N/A