Bishop Michael F. Burbidge and President of U.S. Bishops' Conference Issue Statements Following Shooting in Pittsburgh

Statement from Bishop Michael F. Burbidge on the
Shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh (in English and Spanish)


 October 28, 2018


Yesterday’s tragic shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh resulted in a tragic loss of life and was a demonstration of unbelievable hate and bigotry. In unity with Bishop David A. Zubik of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, I ask all in the Diocese of Arlington to join me in prayer for the victims of the shooting, their families who are suffering, and the community. This attack is a reminder that houses of worship should be a haven from violence and fear. Such acts of violence have no place in a truly free society. May the souls of those who died, rest in peace.



Declaración del  Monseñor Michael F. Burbidge sobre el tiroteo que se llevo a cabo en el Sinagoga Arbol de la Vida en Pittsburgh 


 28 de octubre de 2018

La siguiente declaración fue hecha por el Monseñor Michael F. Burbidge, Obispo de la Diócesis de Arlington: El trágico tiroteo de ayer en sinagoga Arbol de la Vida en Pittsburgh resultó en una pérdida trágica de vidas y fue una demostración del increíble odio y fanatismo en contra de la religion Judia.  En unidad con el obispo A. David Zubik de la diócesis de Pittsburgh, les pido a todos en la diócesis de Arlington que se unan conmigo en oración por las víctimas del tiroteo, sus familias que sufren y la comunidad. Este ataque es un recordatorio que los santuarios debe ser un refugio en contra de la violencia y el miedo. Dichos actos de violencia no tienen cabida en una sociedad libre.  Que los fallecidos, descansen en paz.



President of U.S. Bishops' Conference
Issues Statement Following Shooting in Pittsburgh

 October 27, 2018


WASHINGTON—Following the tragic shooting this morning at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement calling for prayer and action to put an end to violence.

The full statement is as follows:

"This morning violence, once again, struck one of our communities, this time in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is apparent at least eight souls lost their lives in a shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue. To our brothers and sisters of the Jewish community, we stand with you. We condemn all acts of violence and hate and yet again, call on our nation and public officials to confront the plague of gun violence. Violence as a response to political, racial, or religious differences must be confronted with all possible effort. God asks nothing less of us. He begs us back to our common humanity as His sons and daughters.

I commend to our Lord the victims, including first responders, and for the consolation of their families. May Almighty God be with them and bring them comfort at this tragic time."

Keywords: USCCB, U.S. Bishops, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Pittsburgh, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, gun violence, prayer, peace


Media Contact:

Judy Keane