• Conferences for the Engaged

The Diocese of Arlington is offering full day, in-person conferences on the following dates.

August 17, 2024 at St. Thomas a Becket, Reston

September 21, 2024 at St. Thomas a Becket, Reston

October 26, 2024 at Good Shepherd, Alexandria

November 23, 2024 at St. Thomas a Becket, Reston

The Conference for the Engaged program is designed to stimulate reflection and discussion on key aspects of marriage, and family life.  The conference is held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  The cost for couples living within the Diocese of Arlington is $100.00. The cost of couples living outside the boundaries of the Diocese of Arlington is $125.00.

Talks include: 

  • Human Images of God
  • The Goodness of Marriage
  • Marriage as a Sacrament and Vocation
  • Compatibility and Love
  • Communication
  • Parenting
  • Finding Our Financial Future
  • Introduction to NFP

 Presentations are offered by married couples, priests/deacons, and professional counselors.

 A Certificate of Completion is given to the couple at the end of each conference.


Download Registration Mail-in Registration Form

If you cannot make any of the above listed dates, more will be posted soon, however if you are running out of time before your wedding date, please contact Alexander Wolfe or Therese Bermpohl at (703) 841-2550 for the possibility of an online conference. 

* If you and/or your spouse are entering marriage for the second time (divorced and annulled/widowed) the conference that offers the second union breakout session is more meaningful for you. 

Apostolado Hispano

Para informacion sobre la preparacion matrimonial en español, por favor haga clic aqui o llamen al (703) 841-3883.




Please call the Office of Marriage, Family and Respect Life at 703-841-2550 for questions or concerns.  

Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, y esta haciendo su preparacion pre-matrimonial en español, por favor llame al Apostolado Hispano al 703-841-3883.